The hip, electric ambiance of Villalobos, "wolf estate", is the perfect setting for Chef Adam Rose’s superbly creative nouveau Mexicano cuisine. His food has a vibrance that so delights the palate it deserves a vivid stage.
The Wine: A Unique Negroni Sangria
The Food: A Thrilling Tasting Menu
The Place: Villalobos, Montclair NJ, I think…
As you step in, you’ll probably feel like you landed in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, maybe Uptown, Minneapolis, or some other haven of hipness and culinary artistry. Know that soon you will be enjoying the best Mexican food that ever touched your lips.
We enjoyed a thrilling tasting dinner which spanned Adam’s creative menu with fish and fowl, meat and veggies. All prepared to perfection.
I was able to chat with Adam, rarely have I met a chef with so much enthusiasm, complete unapologetic commitment to the ambience of his restaurant and intensity of his cuisine, which he recognizes not everyone will like. However, we do, yes we do like Villalobos very much.
Here you distinctly feel like you have left Montclair and are sitting in another hood. Yes, Williamsburg, Brooklyn or Uptown, Minneapolis, come quickly to mind or Portland, Oregon or other hip places where the art of the dining experience reaches new levels.
Rose has learned from years in the hospitality business that if you create a place that you hope everyone will like you’ll end up with mediocrity at best. Follow your passion as he does and you will have a place that many people will love. The continuous stream of excited patrons is proof that Adam is onto something.
For drinks I made a Sangria, love it with Mexican food. Not any Sangria, but a Negroni Sangria, which you can check out here at
Paired so nicely with the panoply of flavors that pleased our eyes and taste buds with every bite. The crudos, especially the cerviche is sublime, the guacamole with smoked tomatillo, jalapeno, sea urchin is a must try. Yes I’d never touch sea urchin until now either. Every taco, with perfect homemade tortillas, is a gem of flavorful creation and well I’ll stop there. Everything is great.
Give this place a try, and if you don't have time to make our Negroni Sangria bring some good craft beer, a California Sauignon Blanc or Zinfandel, or a Washington State Pinot Noir.
The only area that Villalobos is still weak is in the service, the staff is friendly and well intended but needs more drive and attentiveness to details to make this place complete. Frankly a weakness most New Jersey restaurants struggle with.
Nevertheless, we recommend Villalobos and will be back.
6 South Fullerton Ave.
Montclair, NJ 07042