Just when I think I've tasted the best wine of my life, something new and exciting comes along. This is a story about wines of the Loire Valley, an under-appreciated wine region of France. I've long had an attraction to Loire wines. We poured Sancere at our wedding. Yet, never loved them as much as I do now. Let me tell you why.
A couple of weeks ago I received an invitation to a tasting of a Loure wine maker at the cool wine bar CorkBuzz Wine Studio, downtown on 13th Street. I was interested but did not expect to be as dazzled as much as I was. 
The wine-maker presenting was Pierre-Jean Sauvion who I discovered is a fourth-generation winemaker of a family that has been producing wines in the Loire since 1935. He is an exceptionally knowledgeable and skilled wine maker yet very humble. He is also very entertaining and says “I look young because I’ve been drinking Muscadet since I was three,” Good to know. He talks about his role in the wine making as "tending his garden." This phrase means a lot when you taste his wines.
We learned a lot about the wines of the Loire that include Muscadet, Sancere, Vouvray and lesser knows like Chinon and Saumur.
This is a great time to learn about wines of the Loire, they make for great spring and summer drinking. They are known for their bright, crisp, lively nature.