Slow Food NJ Presents
Italian Wines For Thanksgiving & Book Discussion
Friday November 14, 2008 7-9PM
Tired of the same old domestic or jug wines to serve this Thanksgiving? Ready to be a little adventurous? Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday, which celebrates the abundance of the harvest. What better time to sample wines which come from another land of horticultural, culinary, and enological "abbondanza" -- Italy!
This session will focus on Italian wines, both white and red, appropriate for the traditional Thanksgiving meal with suggestions for food pairings. Taste the wines and sample local artisanal cheeses from Bob-O-Link Dairy
A special feature of this session will be a book club-type discussion of "Passion on the Vine," by Sergio Esposito, noted wine expert and owner of Italian Wine Merchants in New York City. Peter Conway, local food writer and blogger at, will lead the discussion.
Sign up and start reading Sergio's book for a lively discussion and an enjoyable, informative evening.
"Passion on the Vine," by Sergio Esposito, can be purchased at The Wine Library in Springfield, NJ.
All classes held at:
The Frelinghuysen Arboretum,
53 East Hanover Avenue,
Morristown, NJ 07962-1295
Purchase Tickets Here